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DrTwinHammer 8:28 Mon Oct 26
Do You Believe in God?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Darlo Debs 11:51 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
....and Jesus ,-)

normannomates 11:31 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
Everyone believes in God when it comes on top.

FLIG 11:10 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
http://youtu.be/2-d4otHE-YI Nailed by Fry

AfM 8:40 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
Seasar 7:36 Sat Nov 7

I'm not sure I've ever seen a worse website. What a load of old rubbish.

Seasar 7:36 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?


WHOicidal Maniac 7:05 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
chiff 4:29 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?

As a Young Police Officer I was quite aggressive and generally angry and little patience with anyone.

As a mature(ish) 40 something I now work with Children with special needs and some that are quite disabled. Patience is now something I have in abundance.

You get that by growing up and surrounding yourself with things that make you happy...

God has little to do with that...thats just 'old father time'.

AfM 6:52 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
chiff 4:29 Sat Nov 7

You should also give yourself some credit for that. You worked very hard to make those changes.

My changes seemed to come naturally after I shed the faith and my patience and empathy has increased dramatically since. I put that more down to maturity and experience than losing the faith but the recent scientific study seems to suggest that perhaps losing the faith did help me to become less harsh and more generous.

AfM 6:48 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
chiff 4:29 Sat Nov 7

At one point in my life, I was heading down a negative path. Happily, I rid myself of the shackles of faith (as it had become, having once been the wonderful thing you feel) and since then I have found wonder, happiness and a deep appreciation of the beauty of the universe to be far greater than anything that faith made me feel.

Hammer and Pickle 6:45 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
Nationalism is also a manifestation of yourself when you lack self belief.

AfM 6:43 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?

Reply chiff 4:29 Sat Nov 7

Great. Nothing supernatural then?

Darby_ 6:31 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?

defjam 4:50 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
chiff 4:29 - Erm you changed that not god.

God is a manifestation of yourself when you don't have the conviction to believe in yourself.
Bit like when athletes win a race and thank god, well they train every day for years yet when they win they thank god, if god was that powerful (ie if he existed) then they could do fuck all then win every race they entered.

A lot of alcoholics, drug abusers, criminals etc turn to god as they say they saved them, no he didn't YOU did it yourself and it's an inherent weakness to say god did it.

This is the same god that can't even stop bad weather from happening, earthquakes, tsunami's cancer, depression etc etc

Criminals mainly use it to commit crimes then ask for forgiveness, very handy!

There is not one shred of evidence to say a god exists, not one!

If you believe in god then you are weak and slightly mental, enjoy wasting your life following something that doesn't exist.

No offence!

stomper 4:40 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
I always get given students like that because apparently I'm "good' with them. I think that means that I don't shout and I am relentlessly patient.
I confess that such an experience would be more likely to lessen my faith in God than increase it.

Nurse Ratched 4:33 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
I think you need to be learning disabled in order to attribute that to christianity/god.

chiff 4:29 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
My family (all non Christians) often comment on the direction I have taken since becoming a Christian. At one point in my life I was on a negative pathway, getting into all sorts of trouble. At the time I did not possess the ability to change the direction my life was heading. Christianity has changed all that.
For the best part of twenty five years I have been a teacher of students with learning difficulties and social and emotional issues. This job requires a lot of patience and kindness two qualities I did not posses before my conversion.

AfM 3:45 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
Great stuff, chiff. What supernatural things did your god do for you?

Nurse Ratched 3:33 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
I was moved in mysterious ways by the spirit last night.

chiff 3:27 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
I am with 1985 on this one

gph 2:50 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
The Lord of the Bible moved in demented ways.

Nurse Ratched 2:44 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
Arf! @ Saul 11:16

yngwies Cat 2:43 Sat Nov 7
Re: Do You Believe in God?
Being a left footers, my son is making his first holy communion so we had to go down to the school this morning and have a meeting. We saw a DVD and there was a priest from Forest Gate with his West Ham flag proudly displayed. Of course all the parents in the school who know me turned around and laughed and my son shouted out Irons!!

The Lord moves in mysterious ways.

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